SingleOps a Ten Out of Ten, Saves a Ton of Time for Texas Tree Transformations

At a Glance
The Customer
- Leading tree service company in Dallas, Texas
The Challenge
- Struggled to stay organized with only QuickBooks to manage the business
The Results
- Saving hours every day
- Convenient online payment option used by about 95% of clients
- Generating proposals is quick and easy
The Customer
Texas Tree Transformations serves residential and commercial clients in Dallas and the surrounding areas. Their experienced ISA Certified Arborists are dedicated to providing outstanding tree care solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of clients’ landscapes. The company takes pride in offering a comprehensive range of services, including tree nutrition and fertilization, tree trimming and removal, soil conditioning, tree pruning, and stump removal.
The Challenge
Texas Tree Transformations was using QuickBooks for accounting, but the application lacked many of the capabilities needed to manage the business. For example, QuickBooks can’t generate estimates, track leads, or schedule jobs, and is unable to differentiate between lead, estimate, and proposal. It was a struggle to stay organized without a central platform and things could fall through the cracks.
The Solution
Kyle Cox, Owner, Texas Tree Transformations, explained, “I saw SingleOps while attending the TCI (Tree Care Industry Association) Expo, and it had the capabilities we needed and looked easy to use. Additionally, someone I know uses SingleOps and highly recommended it.
“I also considered Arborgold, but it seems to be priced for larger companies. Even at the lowest entry-level price, it wasn’t a fit for us.”
The Results
Great Implementation, Quick to Learn
“Implementing SingleOps was great. Getting set up took less than a week. Drew, my Customer Success Manager, was awesome. He helped walk me through SingleOps and I learned it quickly. I understood how to do everything within about two weeks,” said Kyle.
Save Time Generating Proposals
Potential new clients can submit a request for a quote on Texas Tree Transformations’ website, which then comes to Kyle’s email. He’s able to schedule an arborist to generate a quote.
When asked what it’s like generating proposals with SingleOps, Kyle replied, “Badass. It’s easy, simple. I can attach pictures. We have our line items loaded, which saves lots of time when you have that, along with tree pruning. I was able to write 18 proposals in like an hour because everything’s preloaded.”
Schedule Jobs & Quickly Send Invoices
“We schedule jobs in SingleOps, and the guys are able to look at the jobs to load the right equipment in their trucks. If something needs to be picked up, I can schedule a task, and the crew handles it, so I don’t have to worry about it.”
“We also integrated SingleOps with QuickBooks. I send invoices quickly right from my phone. I can also generate a sales rep report in SingleOps and because it syncs with QuickBooks, arborists are paid their commissions through our payroll company,” explained Kyle.
Easy Communication & Payments for Clients
Texas Tree Transformations can email clients confirming their services scheduled for the next day. About 95% of clients use the new, convenient online payment option.
When asked, “How likely are you to refer SingleOps to your colleagues?” Kyle replied, “Ten out of ten. SingleOps saves me hours a day, every day.”