This release contains the first automations in our Automations module. We plan to extend our automation capabilities in the months to come.
With this first release you get two automation capabilities:
- “Automatically follow up on an un-accepted proposals” to increase conversion rates for your proposals without the manual effort of remembering to follow up.
- You can set this automation to follow up on un-accepted proposals after a certain number of days (from 1-5) by using a predefined email template.
- This automation is available to everyone on our “Plus” pricing tier or above.
- “Automatically send notifications on invoices coming due soon” to improve cash-flow and reduce late payments or collections.
- You can set this automation to follow up on un-paid open invoices a certain number of day (from 1-7) prior to their due date, by using a predefined email template.
- This automation is available to everyone on our “Plus” pricing tier or above.
To use these automations, first make sure that you have the email templates set up that you want to use for it. Then go to the new Automations menu item in the Admin menu and set up the automation(s) you want to use, making sure to mark them as active. Here you will select the email templates to use. That’s all you have to do. SingleOps will now automatically process the automations at the right time. We check once every hour to see if any proposals or invoices are subject to the notification email. The emails we send are of course logged in the Email section of the Client page.