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Hide Assignees with No Visits/Tasks on the Crew Calendar

Starting today, we’ve added a new option to hide assignees that have no visits or tasks assigned on your Crew Calendar(Week) and Crew Calendar. 

Simplify and declutter your Crew Calendar with a push of a button. This update will allow you to filter the list of assignees to only show those with visits and tasks. 

USE CASE: If you have 20 crew users and only 5 have visits assigned to them, this new update will shrink your calendar view from 20 to 5 assignees, clearing all unnecessary crew members without assignments or visits.

This update is a product of our Customer Enhancement Requests. Please continue to submit your ideas on our SingleOps Idea Portal!

By clicking the button circled in red you will be able to filter/hide assignees that have no visits/task.

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