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Credit Card and ACH Refunds

We’ve added a new feature to update you on your ACH and Credit card payments. Take a Look!

Credit Card and ACH Status Checker

ACH Refunds are working! Also, we added support for voids and refunds for ACH payments.

We’ve also added a status checker on the Payment Record. This field will only be visible for Credit card and ACH payments. 

Status Glossary

Processing: The Payment was submitted and the transaction has begun but is not complete. No money has been exchanged.

Settled: The transaction is complete. Money has been exchanged.

Void: The transaction was canceled before any money was transferred. This status will only appear if a transaction was in the “processing” status prior.

Refund: The transaction has been completed, and the money has been returned. This status will only appear if a transaction was in the “settled ” status prior.

The new payment status highlighted above reads: SETTLED. This means the transaction has been completed and money was transferred from the customer to you. If you were to cancel the transaction, money would be returned to your customer, and the Status Checker would read: REFUND.
The new payment status highlighted above reads: PROCESSING. This means the transaction is incomplete and money is in the process of transferring from your customer to you. If you were to cancel the transaction during this time, the status checker would read: VOID. 
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