New Columns and Filters on the Jobs Report & Document Improvements
The Jobs Report and the Visits Report now have new columns that contain all of the contact information for your clients. Leveraging these new columns and Saved Reports, you can build great contact export reports for use in marketing campaigns with other tools.
The Jobs Report and the Visits Report also have new date filters that allow for filtering on acceptance, proposal date, created date, or last updated. These are accessed via a new dropdown in the filters panel:
Document Improvements
Work Orders can now be configured to show any remaining TBD items. This is controlled by the setting in the document template under Additional Info called “Include TBD Lines”. When this setting is enabled a new table will appear on the Work Order:

This allows crew users to mark which extra items were accomplished with that visit. Soon a similar update will be made to the visit complete page so that crew users can mark TBD items as complete within SingleOps.
We have also added a new column to the Item List on Work Orders and Invoices for Actual Quantity. This allows you to show the Actual Quantity on your documents. This can be particularly useful in certain states for regulatory compliance.